The happy family
Personal blog about parenting, running, work-life balance etc.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
65. Update 401K and IRA investments yearly (2/3)
67. Return things that don't work ou
Friday, December 26, 2008
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain;
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change He faithful will remain. —von Schlegel
Jennifer's survey
2. Slept under the stars - camping counts
3. Played in a band - no
4. Visited Hawaii – no
5. Watched a meteor shower – I don't think so
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland/world - 3 times
8. Climbed a mountain - does mount bonnell count? no
9. Held a praying mantis - maybe
10. Sang a solo - Baby Got Back
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris -yes
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning - McDonalds with JOhn
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France -yes, over rated
20. Slept on an overnight train - yes, paris to rome
21. Had a pillow fight – sure
22. Hitch hiked - I don't want to be in a horror movie
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill - maybe
24. Built a snow fort - many
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping - all the time when I was a kid
27. Run a Marathon - hell yeah
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse – even made those little boxes to look at them
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset – yes
31. Hit a home run - no way
32. Been on a cruise - not yet
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person - yes
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors - Germany, yes, Poland No
35. Seen an Amish community - yes
36. Taught yourself a new language - que?
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied - yes
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person - not yet
39. Gone rock climbing - indoors?
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David - I think so
41. Sung karaoke – Hell yeah…
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt - no
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa - no
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight - yes
46. Been transported in an ambulance - no!
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person - yes
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris -yes
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling – no
52. Kissed in the rain - myabe
53. Played in the mud - fun, fun!
54. Gone to a drive-in theater - no
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class – karate in HS
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies - oh yeah
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason – yes!
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma - blood
65. Gone sky diving - no way
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
67. Bounced a check – yes
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy – yes
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial – yes
71. Eaten Caviar - yes, gross
72. Pieced a quilt - no
73. Stood in Times Square - yes
74. Toured the Everglades - driven through them, so not really
75. Been fired from a job - no
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London - yes
77. Broken a bone - no
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle – yes
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican - yes
82. Bought a brand new car – Rav4 and Pacifica
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper – yes
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House - yes, and sat at VP Dan Quale's desk
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox - yes
89. Saved someone’s life - no, but JOhn has
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous – if you use "met" loosely
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one - yes
94. Had a baby - no, oh yeah those 3 kids
95. Seen the Alamo in person - of course!
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake - what?
97. Been involved in a law suit
98. Owned a cell phone - yes
99. Been stung by a bee - nope
Thursday, December 11, 2008

I've been tagged by Christy!
Here are the rules: Copy and paste the rule instructions in your post. When posting on receiving the award, make sure you include who gave you the award and link it back to them. Post five winners and link it back to them as well. Post five of your addictions. Add the award image. Let the winners know you gave them an award by leaving them a comment on their blog.
1. Coffee - how do I love thee? Oh so many ways.
2. Sleep - it's what I should be doing right now
3. Pod Casts - right now I"m enjoying "Doug Loves Movies" and "Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me"
4. Saying positive mantras over and over and over again in my head. "This won't last forever", "They will eventually move out", "I need them to take care of me in my old age", "Snot isn't that gross, really"
5. Chocolate - I must have an afternoon piece of chocolate, I absolutely must
Who else? Jennifer (who hasn't updated in over a month!), Sandy (who doesn't read my blog), Jenna my adorable sister, Freund Face, and Amy (who has a hilarious blog)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
54. Get new baby on a schedule
Make that "Get new babIES on a schedule". Well, after a few weeks of misery trying to force the little ones into what I thought was the perfect schedule, we decided put up the white flag and surrender to the children. The first of many battles we will lose. We had a great schedule for Gwendolyn and I just thought that was what all babies needed to do. It turns out, babies can be very different and they will tell you how pissed of they are when they want to nap at different times and eat 8 times a day. It doesn't matter that they just ate 2 hours ago or that they haven't slept in a millenia - let them do what they want!
After our surrender, things have gone much better. On the weekends we can actually get out of the house with everybody from 10am-12:30pm to run errands and go to lunch while the twins sleep in their car seats. They still eat 7 times a day, but we are thinking they could make it through the night if we really pushed them. But, it is working out ok when Maddy wakes up at 4am to eat, then I just stay up after feeding her and start my day.
As a side night, it is raining like a M-Fer outside and just sounds COLD and nasty. Brrr....
I won't mark this as complete until they are sleeping through the night (10pm - 6am), but we are making good progress at least.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
13. Be thankful for 3 things every day
1. Snow Day! Our HOA had a snow machine and we got to take Gwen sledding this afternoon. It was a pretty small hill, so she was brave enough to go by herself and she loved making snow balls. It was so cute to watch her see snow for the first time, even if it was man made.
2. Home made meals that I don't have to make myself.
3. Getting out of the house with the whole family with no major meltdowns from anyone (myself and John included)
Sunday, November 30, 2008
13 & 14 be thankful and positive
GAR! I'm so pissed, for so many reasons. But, I'm just going to take deep breath, chug the rest of my wine, and take action.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Attitude? What attitude?
27. Catch up on photo albums (2/33) (caught up 1/30)
My Blog
Life here is crazy, and probably will be for a long time. I am going to update my 101 list, I think there are some things that are pretty low priority now. My biggest priorities are the three hooligans on the right. I am also going to blog about life at the Mills house in general. I guess that will be my way of explaining why I'm not doing anything productive.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
1 Year
So, with Thanksgiving coming up, I am going to start being more thankful every day.
What am I thankful for today? My beautiful home, the health of my children, and my size 8 jeans.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
95. Loose the baby weight
As of this morning, I am pre-Gwendolyn weight. That is so crazy. I am definitely NOT pre-Gwendolyn SHAPE though. There are some things that change your body forever - tattoos, boob jobs, and having twins. I think I need some serious undergarments to manage my pooch. Ewww. just the word grosses me out - pooch. Seriously - I looked like a beached whale.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
11. Pray
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
--Reinhold Niebuhr
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tagged - assignment of the day
1. Sleep. Sleep makes me oh so very happy. More specifically, uninterrupted sleep. I think I got like 7 hours of sleep last night, which is great, but it was broken up over about 10 hours. I was so exhausted yesterday I reached the limit of my patience about 30 times.
2. Coffee.
3. Gwendolyn. Gwen is so awesome and she almost always makes me laugh, or at least smile. Last night she was actually eating her dinner, a hamburger, and she was just so cute chatting about what was on her plate and mine.
4. Sleeping babies. I like babies when they are asleep, it makes me happy to see their cute little faces sticking out of the blankets. They are so peaceful and QUIET, it's heaven (versus when they are taking turns screaming their lungs out, but I'm not talking about that right now).
5. Food that I don't have to make. It has been awesome to have our freezer stocked with meals that I don't have to put any thought into. Tonight a friend is getting us Chuy's for dinner. I might actually cry over that.
6. John. We haven't talked to each other much lately, because we are dividing ourselves between infants and toddler, but we do chat on the phone once or twice a day. Really, how ridiculous is it that I live with my husband and talk to him more on the phone than I do face to face? It is a great comfort to know I have a partner in misery who knows exactly what I am going through without even asking.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
95. If pregnant – loose the baby weight again (In Progress)
53. Nurse new baby for 12 weeks (or pump) (in progress, 6.5 weeks complete)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
48. Help Gwendolyn into a toddler bed
Saturday evening I put Gwendolyn to bed. As we head up to her room she said "Gwen sleep in big girl bed." (she talks in the third person) Even though getting her in the big bed is our goal, I was not at all mentally prepared to start that night. I knew I would need to watch her on the video monitor and make sure she didn't get out of the bed herself. So I said "No, not tonight Gwen." She insisted and climbed into the bed. ~Sigh~ Ok, I did not want to pass up a good opportunity. So I explained that she had to stay in the bed and got all the bed buddies and set her up. Then I stood outside the door for a few minutes to see what she did and then watched on the video monitor. She had a hard time falling asleep, tossed and turned for about an hour but she never got out of the bed. YEAH! Honestly, I was shocked. In the morning she even waited for John to get her out of bed.
Sunday nap time did not go as well and she ended up in the crib after an hour of playing in the bed, but she never got out on her own. Monday and Tuesday night she slept in the bed just fine. Tuesday night John said she did fall out at one point, so he has to move the bed rail. She sleeps all over the bed so it may be an ongoing issue.
I am not saying this is complete, she could boycott the bed, but we are off to a good start.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
#64 Pay Off Vehicle(s)

We paid off my Pacifica and then traded cars with my parents. So, now I am driving a MINI-VAN. A mini-van is something I had wanted to avoid for the rest of my life. It's a 'Mom' car, a bus, a family wagon. But, I never thought I would have 3 kids in car seats at the same time. Because the twins and Gwen all need to be in car seats and need help getting in and out, there are few cars that will accommodate our family. It was pretty much a mini-van or a suburban. So there it is, I drive a mini-van. I have three kids and I drive a mini-van.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
95. If pregnant – loose the baby weight again (In Progress)

10/1/08 - this morning I was 150 lbs (photo says 152, but that was after lunch). So 15 lbs or so to go.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
#52 Have Baby's Room Ready 1 month before due date

Technically, my due date was 10/8, so I might have gotten this in under the wire. The babies were born 8/29 and I had their room put together they way I wanted it a week or so after. I could not do much before they were born, but John did get the furniture put together and all their stuff was in their room. Since the babies were in the NICU for 2 weeks, I had the room ready before they came home.
#49 Potty Train Gwen & 48 into a Big Bed

I have been avoiding these mostly because of my own laziness, but also because there has been so much going on I didn't want to put too much pressure on Gwen. However, potty training is now upon us, whether we like it or not. Gwen is now - BIG. Comparing her to Maddy, it is ridiculous to keep changing diapers on such a big person. Then, last night, Gwen was in her crib and was playing. John went up to remind her that it was time for bed. Over the monitor I heard John say "Why Gwen? Why did you do that?" The first thing I thought of was that she had done some poop art, but when I went to investigate, I saw that she had taken off her pj bottoms and her diaper and was trying to put the diaper on her baby doll. Kinda cute really. She had never taken her own clothes off before, but if she can then she can also take them off whenever she wants and potentially go the the bathroom wherever she wants too - not good.
#28 Take Pictures Every Week
#15 Ask for Help When I Need It
I decided that when the time comes, I will return all these favors and pay it forward when others are in need. There will be hard times for everyone and we will do what we can to help when people need it. And maybe we will have a big 1 year celebration for the twins birthday and invite everyone who helped us get through the pregnancy, moves and first year of having THREE kids.
Long Hiatus
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
24. Read 3 books that Jenna picks out for me
The Fountainhead's protagonist, Howard Roark, is a young architect who chooses to struggle in obscurity rather than compromise his artistic and personal vision. He refuses to pander to the prevailing "architect by committee" taste in building design. Roark is a singular force that takes a stand against the establishment, and in his own unique way, prevails.
The book highlights Rand's philosophy of Objectivisim -
Objectivism holds that reality exists independent from consciousness; that individual persons are in contact with this reality through sensory perception; that human beings can gain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation; that the proper moral purpose of one's life is the pursuit of one's own happiness or "rational self-interest"; that the only social system consistent with this morality is full respect for individual rights, embodied in pure, consensual laissez-faire capitalism; and that the role of art in human life is to transform man's widest metaphysical ideas, by selective reproduction of reality, into a physical form—a work of art—that one can comprehend and respond to.
56. Save $5000 for redecorating a new house
Now I have to (or get to) add all the little things that make a house a home. New bedding for our room and I am going to pick out new stuff for our bathroom. Then to the dreaded task of picking out curtains. I hate curtains. Why are they so expensive? I don't get it - it's a role of fabric. But I am determined to do it for real this time.
I'm glad I have the opportunity to do this, but I am 29 weeks preggo with twins (i.e. feel like I'm 38 weeks preggo), it's hot, and I'm lazy. So now that I saved the money, I really should actually do what I planned and get it done before the twins come and I am unable to put 2 coherent thoughts together.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Updates - 1 month later
5. No swearing - I think I'm doing pretty good on this. Every once in a while John catches me saying something, but not very often.
14. Be positive about changes look for the good - I need to work on this one, especially in the next few months when we will be going thought a LOT of changes.
28. Take pictures every week - we have been taking a photo of me every week with my growing belly and pictures of the new house as it is completed. We also take lots of pictures of Gwen and John has been using the video camera more to catch her talking.
29. Call extended family 1/month - talked to my Aunt Susie this week and also my friend Kelly in MI that is due to delivery today!
38. Bake once a month - John brought home some starter dough for Amish Friendship Bread a few weeks ago. The first batch was awesome. The second batch I had to improvise on some ingredients but it was still good. The last round I made 6 loaves and froze them for us to eat while I'm on maternity leave.
52. Have baby's room ready 1 month before due date - AUGH!!!! Once we get in the house I will actually be able to do this. I have a whole list of things to buy, but it is very hard to pick anything out when I'm not physically living in the space.
53. Nurse new baby - holy S. I'm doing a lot of reading about this, we'll see.
57. Save 20% for a down payment on the house - Technically, I should wait 2 weeks to say complete when we close, but this is done.
89. 20 min of physical activity each day - so not happening. I am super paranoid about working out after all my doctor visits and risks for delivery early. But I am really looking forward to starting physical activity again in Oct/Nov.
I guess that is it for now.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
What is this webpage for again?
9. Go to church once a month - we went twice in May/June, I think. Once was good and once not so good.
20. Date nights - not really a "date night" but John and I got to go to a movie this weekend. We also have a babysitter booked for Friday for another night out.
24. Read books Jenna recommends - in progress reading Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead
28. Take pictures every week - we're doing good on this. See our website ( for updates on the new house and Gwendolyn.
37. Healthy meals - whatever, if there is a dinner on the table at all I am happy
38. Bake once a month - hey - we did make cookies tonight!
40. Use kitchen tools - nope, they are all packed up
45. Use up food in the pantry & freezer - doing pretty good and still in progress. Moving to the apartment is forcing me to downsize and use up stuff.
46. Read to Gwen every day - Brown Bear, Brown Bear & Ten Apples Up on Top
59. Sell current home - done! We closed last week after much turmoil and BS. So glad to be done with that business. On to the next house!
Anything to do with physical fitness is off the list due to my gestation process.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
94. Keep weight under 140 - not really failure
Saturday, May 3, 2008
37. Make healthy meals 4 times per week (10/572)
Monday - Chinese Chicken Salad and Tuna Noodle Salad
Tuesday - ate out
Wednesday - leftovers
Thursday - fajitas
Friday - ate out
Saturday -
Sunday -
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
New item #105
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
28. Take pictures every week (19/143)
51. Get pregnant - with a boy (complete 4/28/08)
9. Go to church once a month (3/33)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
22. Read 2 Oprah's book club books - reluctantly in progress
7. Never eat after 8pm (unless drinking) (failure!)
83. Go to a museum
There was some amazing pieces there and it was really interesting to see. Of course, Jenna knew all kind of facts about the European stuff after her studies in England (smarty pants!).
The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum displays an art collection of world importance, including works that rank among the most significant of their type. Isabella Stewart Gardner collected and carefully displayed a collection comprised of more than 2,500 objects - paintings, sculpture, furniture, textiles, drawings, silver, ceramics, illuminated manuscripts, rare books, photographs and letters - from ancient Rome, Medieval Europe, Renaissance Italy, Asia, the Islamic world and 19th-century France and America. Built to evoke a 15th-century Venetian palace, the Museum itself provides an atmospheric setting for Isabella Stewart Gardner's inventive creation.
74. Take a vacation with Jenna
Edit: I also think I should get extra credit for going after my whole fiasco with American Airlines/Travelocity. Did you know that if you book a flight on Travelocity if basically F's you? Well, it does, so don't do it.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
18. Volunteer for Prom Shop - kind of complete 3/8/08
Adding #104 - Get a flu shot
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
73. Take a vacation with John

We stayed downtown at the Hyatt Regency Reunion. Friday we did a tour of our old apartments and hangouts in Dallas then went to a Maverick's basketball game. This was my first NBA game and it

Saturday started out with room service, a luxury we enjoy when we get the chance. We did some shopping and went to the movies. After dinner at a Chinese place we browsed some furniture stores looking for ideas for our new house.
We came home Sunday refreshed but glad to be home - I missed my baby girl!
#99. Get Promoted
#37 Make Healthy Meals week 18
Tuesday - leftovers from a week of eating out
Wednesday - Raspberry Chicken and Rice?
Thursday -
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
#37 Make Healthy Meals week 17
Monday - ate out with the family
Tuesday - steaks/burgers, potatoes, peas and choc chip cookies
Wednesday - Baked Tortellini with Chicken Pesto Sausage, salad and bread
Thursday - Pizza! Yum.
Friday - ate out at the Mav's game
Saturday - ate Chinese at one of John's fav places in Dallas
Sunday - KFC (kinda gross)
2 home cooked meals - not so good
Sunday, March 2, 2008
58. Buy and move into a new home
We'll start working on "Sell our current home" shortly. The Realtor came out today and we feel pretty good about selling, but we'll see.
51. Get pregnant - with a boy
I am pretty sure I have told everyone who actually reads this blog (all 5 of you) that I am preggers, but if not - I AM! Due October 8th, but I'm going to keep her/him in as long as possible because I'll be working on another list item in September/October as well - moving (see post above).
17. Volunteer at a race - Complete Hawk Hustle 5k 3/1/08
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
#37 Make Healthy Meals week 15
Tuesday - burgers and steak, steamed veggies
Wednesday - leftovers
Thursday - more leftovers
Friday - fish sticks and mac'n'cheese (ugh, I feel like a real parent)
Saturday - burgers and all the fixin's (thank Cox's!)
Sunday - Pizza (I'm so ashamed)
I guess that's 3? I don't feel good about this week, but I"m not feeling so hot in general.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
#37 Make Healthy Meals week 14
Tuesday: Hawaiian Chicken and Rice (I had GNO, but still made dinner for the family)
Wednesday: pizza
Thursday: Mexican Meatloaf and Sweet Potatoes
Friday: Antonio's Tex Mex
Saturday: Leftovers leftovers and more leftovers
Sunday: Fire Bowl Cafe
3/7, 4/7 if I count leftovers. I have a feeling the next few weeks are going to be hard on this list item.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
#78 Take Gwendolyn to a Theme Park 2

Today John, Gwendolyn and I went to the Cameron Park Zoo in Waco. A co-worker of John's said it was a great zoo and worth the 90 minute drive to Waco. We had a good time and Gwendolyn actually had some appreciation for the animals. She was probably the most excited about the turkey - they said "gobble gobble" to each other. She also enjoyed the bears, giraffes and the jaguar.
We thought the Cameron Park Zoo was good, better than the Austin Zoo. It took us about 90 minutes to walk through the whole thing, which is just right for a toddler. All in all, an enjoyable adventure, even though Gwendolyn barfed on the way home.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
26. Watch AFI’s top 100 movies
#8 On the Waterfront
#9 Schindler's List
#13 The Bridge on the River Kwai
#17 The African Queen (I have seen parts of this, but I don't think the whole thing)
#19 Chinatown
#20 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
#22 2001: A Space Odyssey
#27 Bonnie and Clyde
#28 Apocalypse Now
#29 Mr Smith Goes to Washington
#30 The Treasure of Sierra Madre
#33 High Noon
#34 To Kill a Mockingbird (I've seen it, but it has been a long time)
#37 The Best Years of Our Lives
#38 Double Indemnity
#42 Rear Window
#44 Birth of a Nation
#45 A Street Car Named Desire
#46 Clockwork Orange
#50 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
#52 From Here to Eternity
#53 Amadeus
#56 M*A*S*H
#63 Stagecoach
#66 Network
#69 Shane
#70 The French Connection
#73 Wuthering Heights
#74 Gold Rush
#76 City Lights
#77 American Graffiti
#79 The Deer Hunter
#80 The Wild Bunch
#81 Modern Times
#82 Giant
#83 Platoon (? have I seen this?)
#85 Duck Soup
#86 Mutiny on the Bounty
#88 Easy Rider
#89 Patton
#90 The Jazz Singer
#92 A Place in the Sun
#96 The Searchers
#97 Brining Up Baby (might have seen it)
#98 Unforgiven
#99 Goes Who's Coming to Dinner
#100 Yankee Doodle Dandy
#37 Make Healthy Meals week 13
Tuesday - Chicken Provolone and Mac'n'cheese
Wednesday - Chicken nuggets and steamed veggies
Thursday - Olive Garden
Friday - Leftover pasta
Saturday - Turkey Sloppy Joes
Sunday - More leftovers and eating out for dinner
3/7. Blah, I am so sick of eating out. I took a class this week and ate out for lunch several days. I just feel gross from all the take-out, fast food and general crap. Must do better next week. But that may actually require a trip to the grocery store.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
#46 Read to Gwen Every Day
#20 Date Night with John
26. Watch AFI’s top 100 movies
Plot: A man tries to rise in his company by letting its executives use his apartment for trysts, but complications and a romance of his own ensue.
Quote: C.C. Baxter: The mirror... it's broken
Fran Kubelik: Yes, I know. I like it that way. Makes me look the way I feel.
#2 Give Up Soda for 40 days
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
#104 Giving Up Alcohol for 30+ Days
Can I use this to replace something else on my list, like the stupid TV watching thing? Hmmm
Monday, February 4, 2008
Monica tagged me
1. I loathe my own laziness
2. I want to beat Guitar Hero 3 on Medium - and will!
3. I don't think I could be a stay at home mom - it's too hard
4. When I take any pills, I drink water, slip the pill in, tilt my head back and shake it, then swallow. Is that weird?
5. I read O magazine every month cover to cover
6. I have become addicted to coffee, can't start my morning without it
6 people to tag? I'm not doing it, the chase stops with me.
92. Beat 5k PR (23:36)
#37 Make Healthy Meals week 12
Monday - leftover chili (still awesome)
Tuesday - Basil Pesto Chicken Pizza
Wednesday - Wendy's
Thursday - Turkey meatloaf and pasta
Friday - MELTING POT - yummy
Saturday - Pasta with chicken pesto sausage
Sunday - Homemade Lasagna and garlic bread
5 meals - that might be a record so far.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
#17 Volunteer at a Race
I have been thinking for awhile that I need to give back to the running community by volunteering at an event. I picked the Hendrickson Hawk Hustle 5k & 1K on 3/1 at the Hendrickson High School. One of my co-workers is the race coordinator so I have some association (no, I don't have a kid in HS and I don't even live in Pflugerville). I like that it is a small race, so my support will really have an impact. I volunteered at the Austin Marathon 2 years ago and it was kind of a bummer. There were so many freakin volunteers there was literally nothing for us to do. We ended up going up to the race course and cheering people towards the finish.
So... I think you should all sign up for this race or volunteer with me to support my 101 goal!
Check out the Run Tex Website or the race registration page
#2 Give Up Soda for 40 days
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
#37 Make Healthy Meals week 11
Monday - Pasta and Chicken Pesto Sausage - surprisingly good
Tuesday - GNI
Wednesday - meatloaf and mashed potatoes
Thursday - Cran-Orange Turkey and mac 'n' cheese
Friday - take-out burriots
Saturday - Rudy's
Sunday - Football Sunday Chili
4 home made meals!!!!! YES!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Edit: how come no one wants to do things that are hard just because? Maybe I need to exercise my will power or have an excuse to be pissed off all the time. Actually, John challenged that I could NOT give up alcohol for 40 days in a non pregnancy induced environment. He may be right.
#37 Make Healthy Meals week 10
Tuesday - Chicken breast and rice
Wednesday - Pasta and baked Sweet Potatoes
Thursday - Left overs
Friday - pizza
Saturday - I can't remember - left overs?
Sunday - Mandarin Pork Chops and Asian Noodles
Sunday, January 20, 2008
#37 Make Healthy Meals week 9 - failure
Hello chicken nuggets, goodbye salmon pate.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
1. No TV for a week
But my diet coke fast is going well. I should be able to do 40 days with only minor complaining now.
Monday, January 7, 2008
#13 & 19 things to be thankful for and that make me happy

John bought me a very nice journal for Christmas. I decided to use it to keep track of my list of 100 things that make me happy and as a gratitude journal. I am also starting a "bucket list" - ie things to do before I kick the bucket and I will keep track of it in my journal. In the mean time, here are a few things that I am thankful for: Sushi, happy Gwendolyn and ice cream.

"If you start focusing on what you have and what you're grateful for, you will then begin to see more."--Oprah, Girlfriend
"Good, the more communicated grows." — John Milton
"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough." — Meister Eckhardt
I am also very thankful for John K - he is fucking hilarious (and I am NOT being sarcastic)
#37 Make Healthy Meals week 8 - failure
Monday - Gnocchi with tomato sauce and frozen veggies
Tuesday - sloppy joes, slop, sloppy joes
Wednesday - Antonio's Tex-Mex (mmmm margaritas!)
Thursday - Chick-Fil-A
Friday - Burgers and baked sweet potatoes
Saturday - Chinese
Sunday - pizza
I'd say 2.5 homemade healthy meals - bad bad bad
Sunday, January 6, 2008
#2 Give Up Soda for 40 Days

I am in progress on this one as of 1/2/08 and I am hating it. I L-O-V-E diet soda. Actually, I think I may just really love caffeine. I wanted to cut down on my soda consumption in general and I thought if I went 40 days I would keep it to a minimum after that. My habit is not excessive, 1 soda a day in the afternoon. But a couple of months ago I added a cup of coffee in the mornings too. I would rather drink coffee than soda, mostly because soda is completely engineered and unnatural. Coffee at least has some health benefits. Anyway, I'm working on this one, but begrudgingly.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
#20 Date Night
Thursday, January 3, 2008
#94 Keep weight under 140
#65 Update investments
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
#66 Clean Out Closets 1/5 in progress
This also begins a process of thinning out everything in our house so it is ready to sell in the spring. We're planning to pack a bunch of stuff up for a storage unit this month. I have Gwendolyn's outgrown clothes and toys semi-organized to store already. I know I have to go through our guest room closet and my books with some brutality.
It is all a pain in the ass, but I feel very accomplished when I finish a small section.
#37 Make Healthy Meals week ?
Tuesday - Pecan Crusted Chicken and Sweet Potatoes (yumm-o)
Wednesday - flank steak (thanks Super Suppers) with mashed potatoes
Thursday - left overs
Friday - Chicken Pasta with Veggies (frozen meal)
Saturday - SUSHI dinner - Yummo! (but not at all homemade)
Sunday - Meatloaf and Mac 'n' Cheese
3/7 - this seems to be par for the course for me