
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Kids: 9 Month Update & 3 Year Update


I just returned from Jack & Madeline’s 9 month checkup up.  Here are the stats:


19lbs, 8oz weight 85%

28.5 inches tall 50%

46.8cm head circumference 90%


Jack is crawling, he does the worm to get around.  He really only crawls when he needs to, mostly to get toys or his bottle.  Jack loves to eat.  He will eat anything except squash.  Every time he starts a meal, he makes a face to taste the food and then decides he wants more – now!  He will even finish Madeline’s bottle if he can get it.  He is picking up puffs and feeding himself and had turkey meatloaf last night.  His favorite food is still avocado, but also loves strawberry apple sauce.  Jack loves the ladies.  Whenever we take him out alone he attracts lots of attention with his flirty smile.  Jack starting saying “Dada” last weekend and talks whenever his sisters aren’t talking, which isn’t often.  He still likes when John puts him in the front carrier, and he tries to kick his Dad in a sensitive region.



18lbs 4oz weight 40%

26.5 inches tall 20%

44.7cm head circumference 75%


Madeline is a busy baby.  She is crawling all over, fast.  John put up a gate at the top of the stairs this week, mostly because Madeline is a flight risk.  She tries to chase Gwendolyn and gets frustrated when Gwen gets away at the last moment.  She is so busy she won’t sit still to have her diaper changed, drink her bottle or eat her dinner.  This week she started trying to pull up and can get onto her knees but hasn’t quite gotten to standing.  She enjoys taking toys away from Jack, and he usually lets her.  It seems like no matter how many toys there are and how far apart we put them on the floor, the babies always end up together trying to play with the same thing.  Sometimes Madeline is literally climbing over or onto Jack, which they both think is funny.  Madeline is saying “Dada”,”Baba”,”Lala” – but no “Mama”!  Madeline is also feeding herself and seems to prefer doing it on her own. 


The babies are doing great.  We are enjoying watching them develop and grow.  They are back to sharing a room again and haven’t had any problems sleeping through the night, though they sometimes wake up too early.  They both like being outside and being around new people, sometimes I think they get bored with us. 


Gwen is 1 month shy of her 3rd birthday.  The big THREE!  She is very excited about her birthday and throws herself parties with her stuffed animals.  I told her that she cannot turn 3 until she’s potty trained but I think she knows I’m bluffing.  She is potty trained at school, but we aren’t allowed to discuss it at home.  She “Doesn’t want to talk about it!”  Other than the potty battle she is doing great.  She talks all the time and is getting into storytelling, regaling us with how her day was or telling imaginative stories about being from Mars and eating bugs.  Gwendolyn does expect to get what she wants, when she wants it, in the manner she is accustomed to.  If her banana is peeled when placed on her breakfast plate she may flip out, tears streaming down her little face and then be fine 30 seconds later.  She does love her brother and sister though.  She talks to them, watches out for them and brings them toys.  She is concerned about their mobility, but hasn’t realized the full ramifications of Madeline being able to crawl over and munch on her toys.  Gwendolyn still LOVES Dora and Diego.  She likes riding in Mommy’s minivan with the DVD player so she can watch Bolt and Cars.  Unfortunately, for me, she is also a big fan of play dough.


After our rounds of spring ear infections, Gwendolyn had surgery last Friday to have her adenoids removed and tubes put into her ears again.  Next Friday Jack and Madeline are having tubes put into their ears.  After 4 rounds of antibiotics without being able to fully clear up their ears we decided to do the surgeries and hopefully stop the cycle.  Gwendolyn did great and Jack and Madeline should be back to normal within a day. 


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