
Monday, December 3, 2007

#69 Buy new boots & #72 Buy new Christmas Tree

#69 Buy new black and brown boots - done, for now. I bought new boots last week at Kohl's. I have to make sure they fit comfortably before I can really say this is done. I have a habit of buying shoes and then never wearing them because they aren't comfy.

#72 Buy a new Christmas Tree. My previous tree was a gift from my mom, she bought the floor model at a department store for me 5 years ago. It was a fine tree, but has slowly fallen apart the past few years. Last year (after a whole section fell out and couldn't really be fixed) that I would not put that tree back up again. I was fully prepared to not do a tree this year, but John actually took me out Friday and helped me pick one out. It is beautiful!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"I have a habit of buying shoes and then never wearing them because they aren't comfy."