
Monday, September 26, 2011

Funny Kids

Now that Jack and Maddy are older, they play more together and will often disappear for 30-40 minutes getting into some mischief.  This picture was taken after Jack buried Maddy with all their stuffed animals.

Gwendolyn is doing well at school.  Last week a police officer came to her class.  After school she went up to her room and came down like this.  All in blue, with her police accessories, camera, and a note pad to write tickets and observations.  Officer Mills kept this up for 3 days.  She also created an alter ego "Lottie" who is bad and gets into trouble. 

This is the Mills version of planking.  A remote control car is on the floor and the kids run away from it.  Best way to avoid it is by staying off the floor.


Christy said...

Lottie. Awesome. :D

Monica said...

I like the planking. That's hilarious.