I am marking this as complete for now, but will make sure to keep up with it. I hate asking for help. It makes me uncomfortable, makes me feel like I owe favors in return, and makes me feel like I am lame for not being able to do everything myself. But the past few months have taught me many lessons - one of which is that it is OK to ask for help. So many people have been generous with their help and support. Friends have watched Gw. for us while we were with the twins in the hospital or had play dates with her. Friends have made us meals, which have been so wonderful. I had many visitors in the hospital to keep me company and made sure I didn't loose my mind. Friends helped us move and unpack - which we totally didn't deserve since we hate helping people move. My parents came to Austin for THREE weeks to help us and it was wonderful. My girlfriends threw me a wonderful baby shower, my co-workers gave us a generous gift. And I know people have been praying for us as we went through all this craziness with the twins and moving. Most of these things I didn't really even have to ask for, so that made it easier to accept help.
I decided that when the time comes, I will return all these favors and pay it forward when others are in need. There will be hard times for everyone and we will do what we can to help when people need it. And maybe we will have a big 1 year celebration for the twins birthday and invite everyone who helped us get through the pregnancy, moves and first year of having THREE kids.