
Monday, December 31, 2012

Running Through 2012

Looking through my workout diary and my race history I've really kicked running butt this year!

Miles run: 1303 year to date.  I got my last 9.75 miles in on Saturday.   
1303 miles!!  
I think that's awesome.

I have completed 12 races this year, setting 6 new PR's and 4 age group awards.  Totally rocking my running socks off.

1/15 - Houston Marathon, 26.2 miles, 3:37:48 (PR)
2/19 - Austin Livestrong 1/2 Marathon, 13.1 miles, 1:44:57 (PR)
3/3 - Tiara 5k in Pflugerville, 3.1 miles, 26:04 (pushing 2 kids in the stroller!)
3/23 - Capitol 10k Austin, 6.2 miles, 47:01 (PR)
3/31-4/1 - Texas Independence Relay, 17.25 miles total for 3 legs
5/20 - Deutschen Pfest Pfun Run, 3.1 miles, 21:56 (PR), 1st in age group
6/14 - Moonlight Margarita Run, 3.1 miles, 22:57
6/23 - Run to Hear Pflugerville, 2.91 miles, 20:47 (would be PR, but the course was short), 1st in age group
9/23 - Austin Marathon Relay, 7.5 miles, 55:18.  Team time 3:56:57
10/27 - Adoption Half Marathon, 13.2, 1:40:54 (New PR), 3rd in age group
12/3 - Round Rock Reindeer Run, 3.1, 21:38 (New PR), 1st in age group
12/9 - Dallas Marathon, 26.49 miles, 3:48:54

*oh, and I did the Komen family mile with Gwen in November

So what's next?  I'm working on that.  I have already cancelled my plans and deferred my registration for the Houston marathon next month.  Only a month after Dallas, I originally signed up as a backup race if I couldn't run Dallas at all, or to run the half with my sister.  After running Dallas I will not be recovered enough to run another marathon so quickly.  And John has booked a work trip to India leaving on the same day.  All the signs are saying "NO" so I backed out of that race.  Houston may end up being my next goal marathon for 2014.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Merry Christmas

Christmas morning John and I were both up early.  It may have been excitement over Christmas, but more likely it was the huge meal and wine we had consumed the night before.  I got up first and started making Monkey Bread and getting things ready to make chili for dinner.

The kids finally started waking up around 7:30 and run down to open their stockings from Santa.  Jack dumped his stuff out, then ran to the kitchen table for breakfast.  I thought they would all be too excited to eat, but they have been eating breakfast first thing in the morning since they were born and I guess its a sacred habit.  After eating they woke up Aunt Jenna and we went upstairs to open gifts.

After the flurry of paper ripping and squealing with glee the kids opened all their toys - of course!

Gwen received a Lego Friends house with 695 pieces.  She immediately opened it and got to work.  It took her about 5 hours to put together and she did it all by herself, following the directions and carefully applying the stickers.  So awesome!

Maddy was very excited about her Barbie and Fairy dolls and her own Lego sets.

Jack got his first real Lego sets and spent most of the day begging Mom and Dad to help him build stuff like Gwen.

We spent the rest of the day watching holiday movies and playing with our new toys.  It was a wonderful day!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Eve with the Mills

We spent the Christmas holidays at home in Texas this year.  I volunteered to work the week of Christmas (since I was gone for Thanksgiving) so traveling would have been extra challenging. 

Christmas Eve we hung out at home.  I got to go for an early run.  After I showered I heard urgent pounding on the bathroom door.  "MOM WE NEED TO MAKE COOKIES SANTA!!!!!!!!"  So we got right to work.  Maddy helped to make sugar cookies and Gwen helped with the M&M bars.

We went to church in the afternoon then headed home for dinner.  My sister had already started dinner, so I finished up.  We had a pretty traditional meal, for my sister and I at least.  Ham, perogies, potato pancakes, cranberry sauce, canned peaches (my Grandma's fruit choice), rolls and wine. 

We then gathered around the TV to watch a Muppet Christmas Carol.  The kids were so tired by the end of the night they happily went to bed.  Jenna and I stayed up to watch Love Actually and John wrapped gifts for a couple of hours. 

Friday, December 28, 2012

1st Grade Holiday Breakfast

This year for Gwen's class party the teachers decided to do a holiday breakfast for all the first graders.  The kids got to wear pajamas and each class was assigned different breakfast items to bring.  I took the morning off of work to stay and help with set up and clean up and to spend some time with Gwen and her class.  I have been coming in a couple times a month on Fridays to help with math, so I know the kids in her class now.  They are all very nice and all were super excited about the Christmas holiday fun!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

White Elephant

The Cox's annual White Elephant party was once again a great time.  Christina has some good pics here.  John made eggnog and it was awesome.  Jennifer prepared lots of tasty new appetizers.  There was NO holiday quiz though, because I win every year!  John and I come home with matching fork and spoons that are fantastic. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012