Well, it has been forever since I've posted, but we've been pretty busy.
9. Go to church once a month - we went twice in May/June, I think. Once was good and once not so good.
20. Date nights - not really a "date night" but John and I got to go to a movie this weekend. We also have a babysitter booked for Friday for another night out.
24. Read books Jenna recommends - in progress reading Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead
28. Take pictures every week - we're doing good on this. See our website (www.amandanjohn.com) for updates on the new house and Gwendolyn.
37. Healthy meals - whatever, if there is a dinner on the table at all I am happy
38. Bake once a month - hey - we did make cookies tonight!
40. Use kitchen tools - nope, they are all packed up
45. Use up food in the pantry & freezer - doing pretty good and still in progress. Moving to the apartment is forcing me to downsize and use up stuff.
46. Read to Gwen every day - Brown Bear, Brown Bear & Ten Apples Up on Top
59. Sell current home - done! We closed last week after much turmoil and BS. So glad to be done with that business. On to the next house!
Anything to do with physical fitness is off the list due to my gestation process.