
Sunday, December 30, 2007

#13 Be Thankful

1. I am so thankful to be back home, in my own house, in my own bed.
2. I am thankful for when Gwendolyn is GOOD, agreeable and pleasant to be around. (versus when she is opinionated, having temper tantrums, or refusing to go to sleep)
3. I am thankful that John is so supportive and helpful. It is comforting to know that we are in it together, because misery truly does love company.

#78 Take Gwendolyn to a Theme Park

We took Gwendolyn to Disney Magic Kingdom while we were in Florida this week. She... tolerated it for the most part. We will definitely go again, but in about 4 years. There is really no point taking a toddler to a $75 theme park. Her favorite thing was the slide in one of the playground areas, and we could have done that for free at any McDonald's. She did enjoy Its a Small World and the holiday Parade.

Side note: next time, we are NOT going during a holiday week. The place was packed. I would much rather go in January when the majority of kids are back to school.

#20 Date Night with John

12/28 Friday- John and I get the evening off and went to the Champs Sports Bowl in Orlando to see Michigan State play poorly against Boston College. We had a fun evening and desperately needed the break from Gwendolyn after all her shenanigans this week. Even though MSU lost, it was still a good game. And as it turns out, Gwendolyn was a little angel for Grandma and didn't miss us at all.

#9 Go to Church Once a Month

"There was no God in that room, just a bunch of people getting really pissed off and frustrated." - John on the crying room at church Christmas Eve.

We went to church on Christmas Eve, it was "the Children's Mass". We had hoped that meant it would be less than an hour long, but it was over 75 minutes when we left and we left early. Gwendolyn really did not make this an easy event. I left feeling annoyed and didn't really get a whole lot out of the mass. I'm not sure what we can do differently next time, other than drug her so she sleeps through the whole thing.

Kid 1, Parents 0.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

#24 1/3 done

Today I finished reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. Jenna recommended and bought this book for me for my birthday. It was GREAT. Check it out at

Thursday, December 20, 2007

#67 Return Things - Failure

I failed at "Return things that don't work out" this week. Last week Gwendolyn was getting over an ear infection and finishing a round of antibiotics. Due to the medicine, she started having a ... lady problem. Its common in babies (boys and girls) to get this when on antibiotics, really not a big deal. So I went and purchased some over the counter items to clear things up. However, after I got home I realized that in my haste to get out of the aisle that carries these "lady items" I bought the wrong stuff. I seriously cannot bring myself to go to Wal-Mart and return this. I just can't do it.

#85 Holiday Traditions

How many times do you have to do something before it qualifies as a tradition? I think at least 5, which means I technically can't make any traditions in 1001 days. But either way, I tried to get started on this. This week we went to the Trail Of Lights, hoping to enjoy the light displays, maybe hear some music and generally enjoy Gwendolyn experiencing these things for the first time. Instead, we got a great reminder of why we don't do things that are free. In general, when an event is free way to many people show up that have no appreciation for the event - because they didn't have to pay for it. John and I first learned this rule at a concert downtown a few years ago. We were standing in line for the port-a-potties, listening to the 2 dirt bags in front of us talk about how they were going to smoke some weed, and where they could do it. From then on we have avoided free events, but occasionally forget about our rule. The Trail of Lights was pretty cool, and I would go again. But only if its cold enough to keep other kids away and maybe on a night when you have to pay to see it (ie: the Trail of Lights 5K night). It was literally wall to wall people on Tuesday, because it was about 60 degrees and a perfect night to be outside. Gwen did not really care one way or another about the lights.

We'll try again next year. I'll leave this item as "ongoing".

Update: On Saturday Gwendolyn and I made Christmas cookies. She really didn't participate much, besides standing with me at the counter, but it was cute. I wanted to let her decorate after the cookies were baked, but when all was said and done, I just did it myself, rather than letting the mess last 2 days and test my patience to its limit.

Monday, December 17, 2007

#87 & 88

I spent a good hour and half cleaning off my desk, throwing stuff away and filing bills that were paid. My desk is as clean as it has ever been. I even uncovered a picture frame with no picture in it that I can use. Check check.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

#37 Make Healthy Meals week 4

uhhh... what did I make this week?

Monday - nothing, I felt like crap so we ate leftovers
Tuesday - More leftovers
Wednesday - Taco Bell
Thursday - Parmesan Crusted Salmon, potatoes and broccoli. (Salmon was not very good)
Friday - Papa JOhn's pizza
Saturday - Pasta
Sunday - Chicken Cheddar Stuffed Bread (thanks Super Suppers! it was good)


#38 and 40 Baking

Wednesday night Gwendolyn and I made chocolate chip cookies. We used my big mixer and some of the handy tools I have, so I get to knock out 2 things on my list. Yeah! And the cookies are yummy.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

#20 Date Night!

Friday we ate out at Z-Tejas for several friend's graduation celebrations. It wasn't technically a date, but it was all adults, we ate an expensive meal and had drinks. So I am counting it as a date night.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

#103 Complaining Challenge

I saw and read about this. Can you go 21 days without complaining?

"If you catch yourself complaining, you take [the bracelet] and you move it to the other wrist," Will says. "The idea is to ultimately keep it [on the same wrist] for 21 days." Will chose this length of time, he says, because scientists believe it takes that long to form a new habit.

Will believes if everyone would stop complaining, the world would be a much better place. "[I think] everybody agrees the world is not the way we would like it to be. I wonder if there's some relation between the two."
Will says he has seen positive results in the people who took on his challenge. "When they can eradicate complaining from their lives, they truly become happier," Will says. "It's like if you're not articulating the complaint, if your complaint has nowhere to go, your mind stops creating the complaint."

If you want to know the difference between a comment and a complaint, Will says to pay attention to your feelings about the issue. "If you're putting a lot of energy into it, if you want it changed, you're complaining," he says.

An article I read also had a good point, complaining keeps you from doing anything about fixing the problem. We often complain to let off some steam, release some pressure and then feel better. But how often have you complained about the same thing - over and over again and never do anything to change the problem? Maybe if some of that steam was bottled up you would be motivated enough to do something about it!

I am going to start this today. I don't think I complain that much, but I bet once I start I will shocked by how often I catch myself doing it. Let the games begin!

#103 Complaining Challenge

I saw and read about this. Can you go 21 days without complaining?

"If you catch yourself complaining, you take [the bracelet] and you move it to the other wrist," Will says. "The idea is to ultimately keep it [on the same wrist] for 21 days." Will chose this length of time, he says, because scientists believe it takes that long to form a new habit.

Will believes if everyone would stop complaining, the world would be a much better place. "[I think] everybody agrees the world is not the way we would like it to be. I wonder if there's some relation between the two."
Will says he has seen positive results in the people who took on his challenge. "When they can eradicate complaining from their lives, they truly become happier," Will says. "It's like if you're not articulating the complaint, if your complaint has nowhere to go, your mind stops creating the complaint."

If you want to know the difference between a comment and a complaint, Will says to pay attention to your feelings about the issue. "If you're putting a lot of energy into it, if you want it changed, you're complaining," he says.

An article I read also had a good point, complaining keeps you from doing anything about fixing the problem. We often complain to let off some steam, release some pressure and then feel better. But how often have you complained about the same thing - over and over again and never do anything to change the problem? Maybe if some of that steam was bottled up you would be motivated enough to do something about it!

I am going to start this today. I don't think I complain that much, but I bet once I start I will shocked by how often I catch myself doing it. Let the games begin!

#37 Make Healthy Meals Week 3

It was a really busy week. Monday we sold the Rav4, Tues & Wed John had class. Thursday I made Tandoori Chicken (one of the Super Suppers meals). It was really good and super easy to put together. I think I could make it again on my own. Friday we had dinner at Z-Tejas (yum). Tonight I'm making BBQ Meatloaf and mashed potatoes (also a Super Suppers meal). I am also working on using up most of the food in the fridge/freezer/pantry before the end of the year. So it is getting harder to make meals.

Result: 2 healthy meals this week

Edit: Sunday I made Pecan Crusted Chicken and Rice for dinner (which was good) so final tally for the week is 3 healthy meals.

Monday, December 3, 2007

#69 Buy new boots & #72 Buy new Christmas Tree

#69 Buy new black and brown boots - done, for now. I bought new boots last week at Kohl's. I have to make sure they fit comfortably before I can really say this is done. I have a habit of buying shoes and then never wearing them because they aren't comfy.

#72 Buy a new Christmas Tree. My previous tree was a gift from my mom, she bought the floor model at a department store for me 5 years ago. It was a fine tree, but has slowly fallen apart the past few years. Last year (after a whole section fell out and couldn't really be fixed) that I would not put that tree back up again. I was fully prepared to not do a tree this year, but John actually took me out Friday and helped me pick one out. It is beautiful!